Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just about to ferry to Alaska

Tomorrow we board the ferry to Haines, Alaska. Its more of an adventure than the pour, since I'm a native of Kansas and we didn't have such large bodies of water. And its the closest thing to a vacation on the trip because there's nothing that we can or have to do. I do have a new phone, but it may or may not work, partially their fault, partially where we're going. And I no longer have anyone's phone numbers, so I can't call anyone anyway. It is passing strange how dependent we become on these technological props, I avoided it as long as I could, but even I succumbed to the convenience.

I suppose to be "accurate" about the whole event we should somehow use a natural draft system and eschew the generator that we brought to power the blowers; maybe a bellows of some description. Technology doesn't so much change, as get more productive through an automation and development of sorts. We won't sit around in a circle puffing into the furnace because the electric blowers do it for us. But otherwise the processes are basically the same as two millenniums past; a worker from the Darby furnace in Ironbridge, England would recognize everything we have to make our job easier than was his. He might not prefer it to what he was used to, but it wouldn't be that foreign to him.

Oh well, its late; it brings on idle speculation.

Always know where the lifeboats launch,

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